FCC-ee-news-July2014.pdf |
- Different name, same spirit!
- The starting point
- FCC-ee's homework
- The 6th TLEP Workshop
- The 7th FCC-ee Physics Workshop
- ICFA and the FCCs
- First Look at the Physics Case and baseline parameters
- A happy family
- Notable Talks and Posters
- Software catch up
- Delphes 3.0. released
- Twiki pages
- Design study: more than 400!
- New Twitter account
- Upcoming events
TLEP-news-september2013.pdf |
- Editorial
- Summer's almost gone
- The fifth TLEP Workshop
- ISHP2013 in Beijing
- TLEP's 300
- The TLEP physics case
- New theoretical challenges
- Power matters
- TLEP around the world in 80 seconds
- Working groups and conveners: What's going on?
- Upcoming events
- The TLEP cartoon corner
TLEP-news-july2013.pdf |
- Editorial: Happy days
- It's Official!
- 0.2 nm?
- Self consistent luminosity simulations
- Great strides in parameter space
- TLEP machine detector interface
- TLEP documents
- Sleepless in Seattle
- HL-TLEP? First thoughts on the TLEP luminosity upgrade
- Upcoming events
TLEP-news-june2013.pdf |
- Editorial: Let's go work!
- Design study: 200!
- Next TLEP Design Study events
- IPAC'13 in Shanghai
- Towards Yellow Reports
- Mailing Lists
- TLEP Logo contest
- Conferences