The experimental studies are coordinated by Alain Blondel and Patrick Janot, and are organized in eleven working groups, aimed at (i) defining the physics case, especially in terms of sensitivity to new physics; (ii) developing the software and the framework needed for offline studies; (iii) understanding the experimental environment; (iv) mastering the online aspects; and (v) proposing hardware solutions for the detectors to match the scientific programme.
- Physics Performance
- Working Group 1: Electroweak physics at the Z pole
- Working Group 2: Diboson physics and measurement of the W mass
- Working Group 3: H(126) Properties
- Working Group 4: Top quark physics
- Working Group 5: QCD and γγ physics
- Working Group 6: Flavour physics
- Working Group 7: Experimental signatures for new physics
- Working Group 8: Experimental environment
- Working Group 9: Offline software and computing
- Working Group 10: Online software and computing
- Working Group 11: Detector designs
- FCC software
More technical information about the FCC-ee Experimental Studies can be found from this Twiki page.