PED Study Coordination


The Physics, Experiments and Detectors pillar of the FCC Feasibility Study has several goals:

  • Consolidate the physics case for the integrated FCC programme
  • Consider and benchmark FCC-ee detector concepts to meet the requirements of ultra-precise Higgs boson and electroweak measurements 
  • Revisit FCC-hh detector concepts in light of the evolution of the physics landscape and the experience gained with the High-Luminosity LHC detector upgrades
  • Evaluate the cost drivers for construction and operation of the detectors and formulate the requirements on accelerator performance, technical infrastructure, integration and civil engineering
  • Establish the requirements on theoretical calculations and Monte Carlo generators in order to fully exploit the physics programme

Work will proceed in collaboration with related ECFA activities and with the R&D for future detectors initiative at CERN.

The PED pillar is coordinated by Patrick Janot and Christophe Grojean and has the following work packages:

  • Physics Programme, led by Matthew McCullough and Frank Simon
  • Physics Performance, led by Patrizia Azzi, Emmanuel Perez, and Michele Selvaggi
  • Detector Concepts, led by Mogens Dam, Marc-André Pleier, and Felix Sefkow
  • Physics Software & Computing, led by Gerardo Ganis and Brieuc François
  • Machine-Detector Interface (join with Accelerators work package), led by Manuela Boscolo and Fabrizio Palla
  • EPOL (joint with Accelerators work package), led by Guy Wilkinson and Jacqueline Keintzel
  • PED Organisational Chart
    Figure 1: PED Pillar Organisation Chart


The physics programme and physics performance work packages also contain physics groups, organised as follows:

PED Physics Groups
Figure 2: Physics Groups and their conveners

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