A prototype for the final focussing quadrupole of the FCC-ee was 3D-printed over Xmas, for tests and measurements. Congratulations to Mike Koratzinos and magnet group for this achievement.
Archive - Featured
: First piece of hardware for the FCC-ee
: Machine's potential once again enhanced
FCC-ee could measure the top quark electroweak couplings with unprecedented precision through the top pair production in semileptonic decays. Check the paper here.
: Societé Française de Physique supports FCCs
The Fields and Particles division of the "Societé Française de Physique" encourages the study of an e+e- collider to measure the Higgs, top, Z and W properties. Check the conclusions delivered after the "Journée: Futur de la Physique des particules", at LPNHE, Paris, and Patrick Janot's FCC talk in this context.
: Clear and concise!
Terry Wyatt supported a very clear physics case for an e+e- 90-350(500) GeV collider during his talk on the overview of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, at UK HEP Forum 2015. Check his talk here.
: "Past, present future: LHC and future possibilities"
Don't miss Prof. Dissertori's public talk on Future Circular Colliders, taking place on the 20th November, within the framework of CERN 60's anniversary.
: A picture is worth a thousand words!
Herwig Schopper, former CERN DG, sees the far future of CERN through the eyes of the 7th FCC-ee Physics Workshop. Check the talk he gave for the CERN 60th Anniversary Colloquim here (slide 38).