Structure of the FCC PED Mailing Lists
The structure of the FCC PED mailing lists is represented in the following graph. In your browser, you can CLICK on the text names of the image below to send an email to any of them:
Anybody can subscribe to any of the OPEN mailing lists, in green in this graph. You can do so with the "Join us" button in the main menu of the FCC PED web page. (Please try to use a mail address linked to your institute. Avoid,,, etc.) These OPEN lists are included in the bigger lists they are linked to with arrows.
NB. The FCC-PED-CaseStudy mailing lists are under construction, and will receive a more adequate name as they come.
Send a mail
Once you are subscribed to one of these mailing lists, you can send mail to any of them, for example to FCC-PED-FeasibilityStudy. Watch out ! This is the most inclusive list, and contains almost 1200 people (27 April 2022): you may want to think twice before sending a mail to that one. To compose a mail, it is possible to use the graph above, by clicking on the list of your choice. It does not work from a mobile phone, but you can also use your mailing tool directly, and enter the name of the mailing list in the "To:" field.
If you want to know who you send a mail to, a list of the members of each of these lists can be obtained from the CERN e-group tool here, e.g., by looking for all lists beginning with "FCC-PED", or by typing the full name of the list, and then clicking on "Members" or "e-mail addresses".
You may also want to send mails only to the PED coordinators, or to the coordinators of a given work package, or to the conveners of a given group.
- PED coordinators e-mail: FCC-PED-CoordinationGroup-admin
- All PED work-package coordinators (+snowmass representatives+IFNC chairs+Speakers Büro chairs...): FCC-PED-CoordinationGroup
- PED Speakers Bureau (Conference Committee) e-mail: FCC-PED-SpeakersBuro
- Work packages
- Physics Programme coordinators e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsProgramme-admin
- Physics Performance coordinators e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsPerformance-admin
- Detector Concepts coordinators e-mail: FCC-PED-DetectorConcetps-admin
- Software&Computing coordinators e-mail: FCC-PED-SoftwareAndComputing-admin
- Physics Groups
- All physics group conveners e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsCoordinationGroup
- Higgs physics group conveners e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsGroup-Higgs-admin
- Top physics group conveners e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsGroup-Top-admin
- BSM physics group conveners e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsGroup-BSM-admin
- EW/Precision physics group conveners e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsGroup-EWPrecision-admin
- Flavours physics group conveners e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsGroup-Flavours-admin
- QCD physics group conveners e-mail: FCC-PED-PhysicsGroup-QCD-admin
- EPOL group (Polarization and Energy Calibration) conveners e-mail: FCC-ee-PolarizationAndEnergyCalibration-admin
- MDI group (Machine-Detector Interface) conveners e-mail: FCC-ee-MDI-Coordination